Business ChatBots – Try-It & Buy-It!

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Try It & Buy It! Let us build a custom bot for your website. We will deploy it and give you 30 days FREE to test it and see if it improves customer engagement.

Bots include (with others to come!):

  • Life Insurance AI Advisor
  • Lead Generation & Booking AI Assistant
  • Dental Office AI Assistant
  • Bespoke Bot Built to Your Business Needs

Our bots are compatible with virtually all website design frameworks, including WordPress. Once we determine your bot’s functionality, we will draft a Scope of Work Agreement to outline the specifics of your bot build. We offer complimentary installation, or we can provide you with the code and detailed instructions for self-installation.

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Home » Marketing, Promotions & Development Services » TMA Bot Shop » Business ChatBots – Try-It & Buy-It!


Try It & Buy It! Let us build a custom bot for your website. We will deploy it and give you 30 days FREE to test it and see if it improves customer engagement.

ChatBots can be customized to help your small business in many ways. Here are just a few examples:

Customer Support Bots: These bots can handle a wide range of customer service inquiries, from answering frequently asked questions to resolving common issues. They can be programmed to escalate more complex issues to human agents, enhancing customer support efficiency.

Sales and Marketing Bots: These can initiate contact with potential customers, provide product information, and guide users through the sales funnel. They’re excellent for generating leads and can be integrated with CRM systems to tailor interactions based on customer data.

Booking and Reservation Bots: Useful for the hospitality and service industries, these bots can handle appointments and reservations, check availability, and even provide recommendations based on user preferences.

Event Management Bots: These bots can assist in managing event registrations, sending reminders, providing event schedules, and offering interactive guides for event attendees.

Feedback and Survey Bots: Deploy these bots to gather customer feedback efficiently through interactive surveys. They can adapt questions based on previous answers, providing a personalized experience and collecting valuable insights.

Please call Gary at (904) 571-9202 (Florida) to discuss your particular needs and pricing.

Payment Information

All payments are processed by Stripe.

For the annual plan, you pay one price per year. For the monthly plan, you pay monthly, and your payment is automatically deducted from your debit or credit card.