How can we help YOU make 2019 your best year ever?

    And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2)

    Have you written down your vision for 2019? Do you have specific goals for this year based on what you did (and did not) accomplish in 2018? If not, let me help you!

    We start with the Music Management Consultation so we can establish a working relationship with you and help you fulfill the mandate to “write the vision and make it plain.”

    How can we help you make 2019 your best year ever?

    The Management Agency (TMA) has been providing the very best in artist management & development support, production and marketing for artists (both labeled and indie alike), ministries, and other faith-based businesses since its founding in 2005.

    TMA president Gary Stripling managed his first labeled artist in 1991 and has developed and managed literally hundreds of labeled and indie artists worldwide for the past 28 years.

    We have over 35 years’ experience in church and ministry business administration, Christian education, worship team training & development, and in the management and administration of tours (domestic & international), events of all kinds, and non-profit consultation services.

    Why do we only accept management and development clients through the consultation process? Most importantly, this allows us to establish a relationship which is of paramount importance between the artist and manager. This also allows us to customize a very detailed management plan for you.

    We have managed and developed Dove Award winners, Grammy nominees & winners, platinum-selling artists and artists with major labels. Every one of those management relationships began with a Music Management Consultation.

    Don’t start the new year using the same tired, unimpressive strategies you’ve been using that haven’t really gotten you where you’d like to go.

    It’s a new year – time for new ideas and direction. Can we help you?

    1. Art Salvagno left a comment on December 27, 2019 at 12:56 am

      Sign me and we both will have a happy and Prosperous 2020 and beyond

      • TMA Admin left a comment on December 30, 2019 at 10:07 am

        Art – if you will complete our Contact form here, I will send you information about how we develop and manage artists. Thanks for your inquiry!

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